


No fluffy spirituality here. Real and practical ancient wisdom for a life of purpose, passion and freedom. Straight to the point.


Discover the 2 most important things you can do today to realize your true sense of purpose

Finding our Dharma, our true calling or purpose in life, can feel overwhelming, daunting and intense. However, in this course, you’ll not only discover the true meaning of Dharma, but you will be guided with practical understanding and tools to uncover and reveal your true nature in this world.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Sebastian Valensi & Manjeet Mathur

The Metaphysics of Wealth

Learn how these 10 universal laws of wealth can unveil a new life of abundance

Abundant wealth and spirituality are cosmically intertwined, and tapping into their connection can be really transformational. In this workshop, Sebastian will reveal the 10 most important metaphysical laws of wealth and abundance, as well as explain the importance of economical value to support our path and live in our full potential.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Sebastian Valensi & Lauren Taibi

The Alchemy of Desire

Discover a powerful 4-step process to alchemize your authentic, desires into the reality you want

Did you know that our deepest desires can actually empower us to radically change our lives? In this course you will learn the real power of desire from the Tantric and Yogic perspective, the difference between a harmful and an authentic desire, and discover the 10 Alchemical secrets of desires so you can harness their power to transform your life.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Sebastian Valensi & Manjeet Mathur

The Psychology of Yoga

Learn, in just one hour, the key principles of the Yoga Sutras to cultivate inner peace and radically change your perspective of life

We live in a world of noise, where we’re overloaded with apps, technology and means to cope with modern times of anxiety. Yet, ancient wisdom gave us the keys to unlock mental balance thousands of years ago. In this workshop, Sebastian discusses the reason for suffering, the key concepts of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and how these can be practically applied to our modern lives. 

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Sebastian Valensi & Manjeet Mathur

The Ancient Secrets to Happiness

Discover a 3-step process based on ancient spiritual wisdom, to cultivate a happy and fulfilling life

Being happy is something everyone desires, but fully understanding what true happiness is, is a different entity altogether. This course looks into the authentic meaning of happiness through the lenses of the most influential ancient philosophies. It’s an invitation to discover a simple and practical map that integrates the different approaches to happiness with tools to begin applying this wisdom to your life immediately.


Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Sebastian Valensi & Manjeet Mathur

Soul Entrepreneurship

In 4 sessions, you will discover a step-by-step freedom blueprint to unlock your creative powers and share your unique gifts with the world

By allowing distractions, insecurities and procrastination to happen, we stand in our way of living an authentic, creative and passionate life. If we want to access more freedom into our lives by creating something valuable, what we need is an efficient method that really works. In this course, Forbes-featured Daniela Vianna, reveals how to rediscover your gifts, unleash your creative powers and unlock your potential so you can build a lifestyle of freedom by sharing your gifts to the world.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Daniela Vianna

Awakening Through Pleasure

Learn how you can get to know yourself intimately and awaken your true potential using pleasure as one of the most powerful vehicles of liberation

We’ve been conditioned to believe that pleasure is not an important or spiritual part of life. Sometimes even that it is something sinful, distant and separate from us. With the guidance of intimacy expert Valentin Somma, PhD, this course is an opportunity to deconstruct your own pleasure paradigms and cultivate a new relationship to your pleasure; you will learn practical tools to use pleasure as a way to tap into your power and discover your limitless potential.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Valentin Soma

Meditating like the buddha

Learn the 3 most simple and powerful Buddhist meditation techniques without going to the monastery​

We suffer because of a never ending cycle of craving. In this course you will learn the eightfold path to true freedom from the Buddhist perspective, and the 3 most important Buddhist meditation practices to not only access your inner peace but to pave the road for a more intimate and blissful life.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Sebastian Valensi & Manjeet Mathur

the science of mantra

Access almost instantly a state of inner peace and deep connection by experiencing the science and wisdom of ancient sounds

The original sanskrit mantras are delicately designed not only for proteccion but to access our true nature of pure being and bliss. The indian master and expert Bhavini Sharma shows us how we can use this ancient tool to nourish our soul, expand our consciousness, and aid our path to liberation.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle | SoulBook

Teachers: Bhavini Sharma

Enlightened Habits

Find out how you can create and maintain empowering habits for just 2 minutes a day!​

Our habits of thinking and acting dictate our destiny; habits are everything. Most of us are in a loop or unconscious and unhealthy habits that are very detrimental in the long-term, setting us up for ‘failure’. Discover with Indian teacher Manjeet Mathur the most effective methods to create powerful and sustainable habits to transform our daily lives and ultimately our destiny.

Includes: Workshop | Embodiment Practice | Sacred Circle

Teachers: Manjeet Mathur

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*This includes instant access to ALL the workshops + all the future recurrent live sesions.

*This offer price won’t be forever, don’t miss out!

*After joining, you will receive an email and will be redirected to a thank-you page with all the relevant links and access to the core content of the school!

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